Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Small Bites: Tomato, Basil, and Mozzarella Sandwich

The other day I had a marvelous sandwich at a local deli that was made of fresh mozzarella, fresh basil leaves, and fresh tomatoes. Then it occurred to me, "DUH... I have all of these ingredients at home!"

I never claimed that I was the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Instead of making the same-old tired grilled cheese sandwich, give this a try. It's filling, but not heavy. Here's how I did it:

I took some sliced french bread and placed some sliced tomato, sliced fresh mozzarella, and a couple of fresh basil leaves on it. I brushed each side of the sandwich with some olive oil. I then placed it into a preheated skillet and used a brick wrapped with tin foil to gently 'press' it down acting like a weight while it cooked (I don't own a paninni press and I don't want to -- too much kitchen clutter). Remove brick after a couple of minutes and flip sandwich over and place brick back on. Voila! Yummy sandwich:)

If you don't have a brick lying about to act as a weight, use any non-flammable weighted object like a ceramic bowl or whatever you can find that won't catch the house on fire.

Serve with: green garden salad, tomato soup

1 comment:

CG said...

You are the sandwich queen!!